3rd North American Chevra Kadisha Conference - Workshops

Medium size group - speaker or panels with discussion


Emotional & Spiritual




Needs of CK Members and of the Families

CK Organizing and Development

Tahara and Other Hands On Issues

Basis and Evolution of CK Practice

1: Sunday - 3:45-5 pm

Comforting the soul - creating a safe place for a post-Tahara discussion. Rabbi Mel Glazer

Developing good working relationships between the funeral home and Chevra Kadisha - Andy Fier, Wendy Kraft, Rena Boroditsky

Lessons Learned - Review of the beginning Tahara demonstration

Individual vs Community: death as a Jewish Communal Challenge -  Dr. Sylvie Goldberg

2: Monday - 10:15-11:30 am

Chevra Kadisha first responders - comforting and helping the newly bereaved family make initial decisions about the funeral, tahara, shmira - Jeff Davidson

In the beginning - Educating the community about Jewish death & mourning traditions to help develop interest in the Chevra Kadisha - Rochel Berman

Sew in the Mourning - History and manufacture of Tachrichim - Elizabeth Menkin

Rituals, books and people: the emergence and development of the Chevra Kadisha in
17th century Europe Dr. Avriel Bar-Levav

3: Monday - 2:15-3:30pm

Physical & Spiritual care at the end of life - balancing the role of rabbi and Chevra Kadisha - Rabbi Felicia Sol, Rabbi Jay Yaacov Schwartz, Helen Radin & Susan Rosenthal.

"Vigil-Keepers for the Morning": The Spiritual and Communal Significance of Sh'mirah – Rabbi Regina Sandler-Phillips

Death Burial and Mourning Issues for Intermarried Families and the Chevra Kadisha - Carol  Cunradi and Rabbi Stuart Kelman

Applbaum Archives - 40 years of Chevra Kadisha organizing in the Orthodox community- David Zinner

4: Monday - 3:45-5 pm

Writing Through Grief: Obituaries, Eulogies and Memoirs - Ari Goldman & Samuel Freedman

Organizing a chevra kadisha – creating a caring culture, identifying models,  making it work – Rabbi Regina Sandler-Phillips and Marion Schwartz

For Rabbis - Developing and maintaining rabbinic support for the Chevra Kadisha - Rabbi Stephen Roberts, Rabbi Adam Mintz, Rabbi Larry Sebert, and Rabbi Stuart Kellman)

Why do we say and do this? - Taharah prayers and more - Rabbi Mosha Epstein

5: Tuesday - 10:15-11:30 am

The One Who Heals the Broken Hearted... - The Psychological Wisdom of Bereavement Halacha and Tradition - Rabbi Joseph Ozarowski

The Gamliel Initiative: Negotiating funeral and burial contracts - Bob Hausman

To Save One Life is as if YOU Saved the World: The Chevra Kadisha’s Role in Donation for Transplant - Lisa Dinhofer

". . . among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem": Parallelism in personal
and communal mourning rituals and traditions. - David Wachtel