3rd North American Chevra Kadisha Conference - Text Study
Small group - teacher and students
Text study sessions are scheduled for 2.5 hours. Class size is limited to 10. Please only sign up for one text study. Fluency in Hebrew is helpful, but not required. Note that text study sessions are held at the same time as workshops or demonstrations. Please look at the schedule to pick the combination of time, teacher and topic that works best for you.
  Room 401 Room 402 Room 403 Room 404
2:30-5 pm
Portrayal of individual members in the burial society of 17th and 18th century Europe  - regulations of burial societies in Vilna, Krakow and Worms - Dr. Avriel Bar-Levav      
Monday  10:15-12:45 am
Exploring the voice of the psalms as a resource in shimra - Rabbi Simkha Weintraub Does it make any difference how a death/mourning custom originated? - Rabbi David Kraemer Maavor Yabok - An Introductory Overview & an in-depth look at Tahara - Rabbi Steven Moss Rav Ovadia Yosef - Response to the question 'When may a non-Jew perform a tahara?' - Rabbi Mosha Epstein
2:15-5 pm
Jewish Views of the Afterlife: Implications and Applications for Chevra Kadisha Work - Dr. Simcha Rafael Kavod and Nichum - Some Classic and Not-so-classic Works.
(Dealing with Rabbinic and Liturgical texts) - Rabbi Joseph Ozarowski
Tuesday- 10:15-12:45 am
Viddui: The Jewish Way of Saying 'good-bye' is all about relationships: 'beyn adam lamakom' - between the human being and God, and 'beyn adam le'chavero' - between humans - traditional forms of Viddui and newer versions. - Rabbi Stuart Kelman Individual vs Community: Death as a Jewish Communal Challenge - Dr. Sylvie Goldberg